Sunday, September 21, 2014

Book Of Mormon Memorization Song Week 5

Alright, folks!  Here it is!  Another McKay and Paula Original!  Enjoy! 0:)  Our children have been able to memorize every song so far!  It totally amazes me, the power of song!
A great week to you all!

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Here are the songs for weeks 3 and 4!
Life continues busy and fun!  Here's to Making it Matter!

Sunday, August 31, 2014

Book of Mormon Family Scriptures and Key Words 2014-2015

Join us and comment on your success!  I'd love to hear how it works for your families!

Here is our Scripture list for this year for anyone who wants to join us in our Memorization Quest!  I will post the songs and Cards for each week as they become available.  Here are the first two weeks, just to get us all started!  Please remember, I know nothing of music.  I'm just picking out notes and my husband is making up the timing. It is the simplest way we can figure out how to do it, and it totally works for our intents and purposes.  Enjoy!

Week One Book of Mormon Card.  I made these when we were first married, while waiting for my work visa to clear.  I am no fabulous artist, but they totally seem to work.  Enjoy!

Week Two Book of Mormon Card.

I also have a white board that I write the scripture on and place on our mantlepiece.  This way the children (and I), can see it throughout the week.

Saturday, August 30, 2014

August 30, 2014

We recently began using scripture memorization as our family scripture time.  We still recite the Gospel Standards.  However, In order to make the most of the notion that children's recollections of songs and memorized scriptures are the best equipped to be brought to their remembrance in times of future need, we have chosen a weekly scripture for the next four years from each of the standard works, focusing on one of the standard works each year.  We decided we would use The Book of Mormon for this year, and that we would be a bit on the daring side and write a melody each week for each verse.  It seems to be very effective.  All the children seem to have learned this weeks reference, key word, and verse.  I'm a little amazed, to say the least.  I also have matching cards for key words for all 4 years.  Needless to say, I'm looking forward to the next 4 years!

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

August 27, 2014

As usual, now that everyone is fast asleep, it's my time for writing, social media, and least until midnight. 0:)
This week has been being spent in kneeling with the children one on one regarding their educational studies for this upcoming school year.  Each of us has committed to The Lord to move forward and sought His counsel in our planning.  Schedules are printed and everyone has been working very hard. We have had several instances of tears because working on LEARNING is hard work.  They are stretching and it is hard to do.  As I counsel them through their struggles I hear The Holy Spirit whispering the words I say to them, also to me.  "I know it is hard, Sweetie.  It is supposed to be hard.  You are learning.  You are stretching.  You are doing something you've never done before.  You are doing just fine.  It's ok to mess up.  We do mess up when we are learning sometimes.  Remember your reason why you wanted to do this.  What you are becoming is more important than the frustrations and difficulties you are having.  Just keep going.  You will get it.  I will help you no matter how many times we need to go through it."  Often as I finish encouraging them I find myself nearly in tears.  It is as though The Lord were speaking directly to me, too.  I am ever grateful for this amazing opportunity to learn with and to teach them.  They are -every one- a gift!

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

July 1, 2014

Everyone is finally sleeping! 0:)  Thats why I have time to be on the computer!  HAPPY CANADA DAYYYYYY!!!!
McKay graduated!  I was able to attend with Mom and Dad.  It was a beautiful ceremony.  Now, he is moving on to pass the bar for law.
We still talk about purchasing land outside the city for the children to run and play and learn.  Sometimes it seems that it is only a moment away.  Other times it seems the dream may never come to fruition.  Time will tell.  All is in the hands of He who knows best.
You may have noticed.  I have decided not to use this lovely little blog for my CLASS (Classic, Literature, Academic, Study, Society)  Instead, I made a new blog to use to keep track of essays I write during my studies.  For any who are interested, here is a link

I will try to continue to keep this blog for my own public journaling thoughts as well as a record of things I get to do in our family.
Until Next time, Make it Matter!

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

June 18, 2014

Cassi has been on a mission to assist in saving the bees.  She took a nice photo of her dad's and made a flyer with an essay she and her siblings composed.  She invited a friend from church to assist her in handing out flyers in both neighborhoods.  It went well.
Today we rescued this wasp from inside our house.  We caught him in a bowl with some syrup and then took him outside to free him.  Hooray!  One more point for the pollinators! 0:)